Customization 🎨

React Suite uses Less to develop styles and defines a series of variables that can be customized using Modify Variables. This includes but is not limited to customizing theme colors, resizing component fillet radii, modifying font styles, replacing auxiliary colors, and so on. The code in the following example is a new action in custom-theme.less.

Import less

Create a separate .less file as follows, and then introduce this file.

@import '~rsuite/styles/index.less';
@import 'custom-theme.less'; // Style customization.

Custom Theme Colors

Sets the primary color.

@primary-color: #00bcd4;

After you configure the theme base color, a set of swatches (@H050 - @H900, H is Hue) reference is generated: constants.less.

Now go to the palette to select the appropriate color or upload your own Logo to preview.

Dark mode

If you want to also customize the built-in dark mode, you can use @primary-color-dark variable.

Adjusts the fillet radius of the assembly.

@border-radius: 2px;

Modify the font style.

@font-family-base: 'Lucida Grande', 'Avenir Next', 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial,
  'PingFang SC', 'Hiragino Sans GB', 'Microsoft YaHei', STXihei, sans-serif;
@font-size-base: 14px;

Secondary palette

Secondary palettes acts as auxiliary colors which often stands for different states - informational, successful, warnings and errors, respectively. You can customize the secondary palette to change the look of Message, Notification and other needs to display the states of the components.

Color State
@green success
@blue info
@yellow warning
@red error
@green:  #4caf50;
@blue:   #2196f3;
@yellow: #ffb300;
@red:    #f44336;

Dark mode

If you want to also customize the built-in dark mode, you can use corresponding @green-dark, @blue-dark, @yellow-dark, @red-dark variable.

Disable ripple animation

React Suite includes a Material-like ripple effect in some clickable components like Buttons. If you don't want this effect, you can turn off this flag.

@enable-ripple-effect: false;

Disable IE polyfill

By default, React Suite includes some compatible styles for IE 11. If you don't need these styles, you can remove theme by turning off this flag.

@enable-ie-polyfill: false;

Disable HTML styles reset

@enable-css-reset: false;

More Custom Configurations

We provide a rich variable, if still unable to meet your customized needs, welcome to our issue.

Webpack compiles multiple themes

React Suite provides a Webpack assist tool webpack-multiple-themes-compile, which can generate multiple sets of CSS files according to the configuration when the project is compiled, and then introduce different CSS files in different theme environments to achieve multi-theme switching effect. The principle of implementation is based on the substitution of Less's variables, so it must rely on Less compilation, we will illustrate it by the following example.

  • First, let's look at the configuration of compiling Less into CSS by Webpack by default:
const ExtractTextPlugin = require('extract-text-webpack-plugin');
const extractLess = new ExtractTextPlugin(`style.[hash].css`);

module.exports = {
  module: {
    rules: [
        test: /\.less$/,
        loader: extractLess.extract({
          use: [{ loader: 'css-loader' }, { loader: 'less-loader?javascriptEnabled=true' }]
  // ...Other configurations.
  • Then, hand the Less file to webpack-multiple-themes-compile and configure the themesConfig parameter to define the variables needed under the theme.
const merge = require('webpack-merge');
const multipleThemesCompile = require('webpack-multiple-themes-compile');

const webpackConfigs = {
  // There is another options.

module.exports = merge(
    themesConfig: {
      default: {},
      green: {
        'primary-color': '#008000'
      yellow: {
        'primary-color': '#ffff00'

If you use html-webpack-plugin, in order to avoid introducing all styles into html, you need to add the excludeChunks parameter to exclude topic-related CSS.

 new HtmlwebpackPlugin({
+  excludeChunks: ['themes']
  • Finally, after running the Webpack command, multiple sets of CSS will be generated, and corresponding CSS will be introduced in different theme environments according to their own business requirements, thus implementing multi-topic switching. For detailed implementation, please refer to the example project multiple-themes
β”œβ”€β”€ theme-default.css
β”œβ”€β”€ theme-green.css
└── theme-yellow.css

If you use create-react-app to create a project, you can modify it with react-app-rewire-less and react-app-rewire-define-plugin. For more details, see Use in create-react-app.